Saturday, March 10, 2012

14.Ultimate proof=acid test

Ultimate proof=acid test

Acid test of art is its aesthetic appeal;

Acid test of belief is the relief it gives to lives’ problems;

Acid test of character is the calmness even in calamity;

Acid test of devotion is the dedication even in times of distress;

Acid test of education is exhibition of proper attitude in different situations;

Acid test of faith is its flexibility and not its fanatic fixation;

Acid test of growth is gaining happiness and harmony in life;

Acid test of honesty is not hiding one’s feeling at any situation;

Acid test of intelligence is its ability to inspire and impact;

 Acid test of joy is the ability to inject others with similar joy;

Acid test of kindness is to kindle humane feeling in everyone around;

Acid test of love is leveraging reciprocal relationships;

Acid test of management is the mutual admiration and cooperation among all;

Acid test of nationalism is the pride in its ancestry, promotion of its culture in tune with global economic and social welfare with humaneness;

Acid test of observation is the ability to grasp the micro and macro details of the thing or person observed;

Acid test of peace is the tolerance of other faiths, ideas, identities and different ways of living;

Acid test of quintessence of life is to love living with total intensity and intense totality;

Acid test of religion is the realization of reality and emancipation of soul spiritually through multiple approaches to life;

Acid test of society is the common values it cherishes and bequeaths to the future generations;

Acid test of teaching is the creation of thinking, intelligent individuals with clarity of understanding who apply knowledge with contextual relevance and help humanity to live happily.

Acid test of unity is the unsolicited feeling for all by all with appreciation and acceptance of variety;
Acid test of virtue is valuing reason and courage of conviction;

Acid test of wisdom is evaluation of life through living;

Acid test of Xenophile is his over enthusiastic support of foreign culture than the natives themselves.

Acid test of youth is the attempt to experience life with courage and passion and without any conditioning or inhibition;
Acid test of zeal is uncompromising and unstoppable enthusiasm.

Quote from famous a author:-

Test a servant while in the discharge of his duty, a relative in difficulty, a friend in adversity, and a wife in misfortune.- Chanakya

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